Our School

Mairehau High School is a co-educational high school for Year 9 - 13 students. We have a current roll of approximately 380 students who are primarily from eastern Christchurch.

Our Name

The Mairehau area is named after Mrs Mairehau Hutton (see more here). It is pronounced My-<r>eh-ho where <r> is a rolled r.

Our Values

Mairehau High School has a focus on enhancing the well-being needed for students to become successful learners.

Mairehau High School's philosophy sees learning and well-being as two fundamental components that need to be in harmony for students to become engaged with learning and to achieve their full potential.

We use the acronym CARE to represent the values we want students to strive towards every day.  

We pride ourselves on being a Restorative School. Restorative Practice is a relational approach to school life grounded in beliefs about equality, dignity, mana and the potential of all people.

"The essence of restorative practices is disarmingly simple: that human beings are happier, more productive and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them."

"Increasingly parents, caregivers and community groups are seeking out support and direction around managing the young people in their care. Building, enhancing and restoring relationships across any workplace, community group, school or culture, is absolutely essential for a strongly connected, empathetic, functioning society."

For more information, see: http://pb4l.tki.org.nz/PB4L-Restorative-Practice 

Our Annual Goals

School Map