Gifted and Talented

At Mairehau High School we have a Gifted and Talented (GaTE) program.

A range of assessment both qualitative and quantitative data are used to identify students, including testing, teacher and Dean Identification and conferencing between your child and the GaTE Co-ordinator

The gifted and talented represent a wide range of students with many different abilities. For example, some students may have exceptional abilities in science or technology, some in art or poetry, and others in social leadership. It is now accepted that the gifted and talented are not simply those with "high intelligence". The range of special abilities that relate to the concept of giftedness and talented has become quite broad over the years.

We offer a range of developing opportunities to ensure that the gifted and talented learner is well catered for. Your child can expect much in-class extension, differentiation of content, exciting learning opportunities outside the classroom, and a focus on the thinking curriculum, and inquiry based learning as part of their development.

How does it work?

In the junior area once a student has been identified they are asked to join a small group that comes out of class once a fortnight. They spend a year working on an investigative project using inquiry learning as a model. The project will combine their talents and gifts with their passions and interests, they choose an area of inquiry which interests them. No specific curriculum or discipline is dictated and the students own interests drive the decision making, research process and outcome. They then present their project at the end of the year to parents, community and the staff.

At the senior level students are placed in the GaTE Co-ordinators Form group where they are able to meet with them on a daily basis. As part of this programme, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be drawn up for the student based around NCEA and their own goal setting. Each of the students teachers contributes to this IEP. A copy of this is sent home and parents have the opportunity to give feedback. At the senior level students are placed in the GaTE Co-ordinators Form group where they are able to meet with them on a daily basis. As part of this programme, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be drawn up for the student based around NCEA and their own goal setting. Each of the students teachers contributes to this IEP. A copy of this is sent home and parents have the opportunity to give feedback. 

For more information, please contact our GaTE Co-ordinator Angela Marshall