eLearning and BYOD
Digital technologies will be used at Mairehau High School to:
Enable anywhere, anytime, ubiquitous learning
Ensure personalised learning for all ākonga (students) by providing flexibility and choice that meets individual learning needs
Encourage ākonga to be creators and innovators in the 21st century through effective use of digital tools
Empower all ākonga to participate in digital environments in a purposeful, responsible and meaningful way
Extend learning beyond the classroom to foster curiosity, engagement and enjoyment of learning
Google for Education
Mairehau High School is a Google Apps for Education school. We use a variety of google applications including Google Drive, Google Classroom, Google Sites, Hapara and Google Docs.
The New Zealand Curriculum specifically references the value of e-learning for our students, with digital fluency being a current Ministry of Education priority. At Mairehau High School we recognise the benefits that access to technology affords our students with their learning.
BYOD enables student to access their learning anytime, anywhere. It helps to support the continuity of learning between home and school as students can access class resources and support beyond the school gates. In addition to this, it provides increased opportunity for enriched learning experiences, with increased access to a huge range of electronic resources, as well as increased opportunity for collaborative learning to occur between peers.
Importantly, the use of technology in the classroom helps to prepare our students for future study and work environments.
BYOD at Mairehau High School
We strongly recommend that students have easy access to a chromebook or laptop at school and at home. We expect that all Y9 and Y10 students have their own device. A small number of chromebooks are available at school for daily borrowing, but this cannot be relied upon as these are often needed for internal assessments.
For 2025 we recommend purchasing the Acer C734 Chromebook; for more information about purchasing this Chromebook through Uru Manuka Trust click the link below.
Other Devices
If the student already has access to a chromebook or laptop (with the above specifications), there is no problem as we can easily add it to our school managed IT system.
N.B. cell phones are not permitted to be used in class. iPads (without a keyboard) and tablets (without a keyboard) are not appropriate devices for school
Hardship Provision
If you are unable to provide your student with a device, we will have a small number of devices available for students to loan daily. This can be discussed with your child’s dean.
Chromebooks can also be paid off through the WINZ scheme for families on lower incomes. You do not need to be a WINZ client. A letter from the school must be provided in order to support the application.
Student Device and Internet Use Agreement
Students will be asked to sign this agreement when enrolling. Please read.
For more information on eLearning and BYOD please contact Assistant Principal, Kyla Boocock, boocockk@mairehau.school.nz.