Learning Support
Our Commitment
Mairehau High School is committed to meeting the needs of all our learners. We recognise that our students are individuals, who process information in different ways, and who have different learning needs. One way we can recognise this is through the use of Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for our students sitting NCEA.
What is SAC?
The NZQA website provides the following explanation for SAC:
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) provide extra help for approved students when they are being assessed for their NCEA so that barriers to achievement can be removed and they then have a fair opportunity to achieve credits. The support is used for internal standards and external (exams) standards. Examples of SAC are use of a writer or computer, rest breaks, Braille or enlarged papers, or reader.
If a person is providing support with reading or writing, they may not guide the student or explain the assessment.
Only students approved by NZQA can use SAC for assessment for NCEA.
A key part of ensuring that all students entitled to SAC receive their entitlements is to track student learning and needs at Years 9 and 10. As part of our normal school procedures, we assess a large portion of our junior cohort to determine if they may be entitled to extra support. In some cases, this will help secure extra support for them prior to NCEA.
Several external providers also offer this testing analysis, often at a cost of hundreds of dollars. We are fortunate to be able to assess students within our school environment at no cost to our families. However, please contact your child’s dean if you would like more information on external agency testing and we will be happy to help.
More information about the SAC process can be found on the NZQA website, which can be accessed by clicking here.
Alternatively, if you have any questions about our school processes for selection and testing, please contact
Sue Purvis: purviss@mairehau.school.nz.
Waiora: Supported Learning at Mairehau High School
We are happy to announce that we will soon have a brand new facility for our students.
Waiora makes learning an enjoyable, stimulating and worthwhile experience and empowers students to achieve in education and in the community.
The Centre has a focus on community participation and the wider community It provides an individualised education programme formulated in consultation with
Outside agencies.
Specialist Staff
Our staff include specialist staff who provide educational support for students with disabilities:
Teachers trained in Special Education
Teacher Aides and therapists from Group Special Education and therapists contracted through ACC.
Educational Support
The Centre supports ORS and ACC funded students through participation in:
Subject choices as described in the school prospectus, where appropriate.
Subject tutorials to enable students to achieve personal success.
Internal and external examination opportunities as appropriate.
Adapted educational programmes with a focus on community participation.
Appropriate support for students in all settings.
School and Community Based Learning In Preparation For a Satisfying Adult Life
Personal and social development.
Sport, leisure, recreation, and cultural programmes.
Preparation for independent living.
Transition to tertiary/alternative options.
Co-operation with other agencies.
Therapy Support
Group Special Education and ACC contracted therapists.
Adaptive equipment and programmes to enable students to access education and the wider community.
Care management.
Who Can Enrol?
Enquiries are welcome for secondary school age (12-21 years) students who have special learning needs and associated conditions such as:
Cerebral Palsy
Spina Bifida
Muscular Dystrophy
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Head Injury
Spinal Injury
Downs Syndrome
Sensory Impairment
Global Developmental Delay
Curriculum Adaption
or other disabilities that require specialised individual intervention.
For more information about the Learning Support Centre please visit our website or contact
Alice Wackwitz: wackwita@mairehau.school.nz