Careers Education 

Careers Education is delivered in a variety of ways. Year 9 and 10 have careers orientation programme.

In Year 11, the focus is on gaining NCEA but Year 11 students may participate in Careers Week.

Year 12 students participate in career education based on identifying and exploring suitable career options for themselves, decision making and planning, and advice on tertiary education and CV writing and Year 12 and 13 students have an individual interview aimed at assisting them as they plan their future.

There is also a range of career orientated presentations throughout the year at Year 12 and 13 assemblies and during Careers week in Term 3 which is open for year 11, 12 and 13 to attend.

Students may choose to attend a range of career education days provided by other tertiary providers such as CPIT, University of Canterbury, Otago University, and Lincoln University.

Mairehau Careers Site  

The Mairehau High School Careers site provides students and parents with career information. Here you can find local jobs, career related events, news, scholarships, and exchanges, as well as a number of helpful links.

STAR Courses (Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource)

STAR (Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource) provides students with the opportunity to investigate possible career paths and obtain a 'hands-on" practical experience. This experience helps with ideas and decision making about career paths in the future.

Star Courses can be courses that are not offered in the normal school curriculum. They are usually 1 -4 days in length and unit standards may be offered. They are carried out during the normal school week although can also be run during a term break and are generally held at a Tertiary Institution. There is no cost to the student of family for STAR courses.


Gateway provides long-term structured workplace learning for our Year 12 and 13 students.

In consultation with the employer, a learning plan is specifically developed for each student including industry based Unit Standards that contribute towards NCEA.

School attendance continues as usual, with students attending their Gateway work placement one day per week for an agreed period of time.

Students gain valuable experience and learning in a careers of their choice, building confidence for a smooth transition to the workplace. There is no cost to students or their families.

Careers Team

Margaret Robertson 

Learning Team Leader

Vanessa Barrett

Gateway and STAR Coordinator 

External Careers Links 

Careers Help Online

Occupation Outlook

Driving Tests

Training Providers